Friday, May 25, 2012

Youtube Has Been Sucking Hard This Year

Mike Mozart, owner of the JeepersMedia Youtube brands, has been posting a lot on his Google+ page about how royally screwed up Youtube has been for the past few months.

He's not alone.

nigahiga posted two days ago about the massive loss of ACTIVE accounts subscribed to his channel.

And on my RPG Fanatic Youtube Video channel also talked about the new "highlights" feed that is hiding videos from our subscribers,

Over at A Better Partner Forum, several Partners have been talking about how their monthly earnings from Youtube have been cut by half or more,

The Philip DeFranco Show also mentioned it at the end of this video,

I've personally had a really crappy time of things, too. By looking at my Analytics data, I can see about 100-200 of my 1,826 subscribers to The RPG Fanatic Show are actually seeing my most recent videos in their feeds, and I've had subscribers tell me they didn't realize I had any new videos.

I'm sure specific Partners are being benefited by this, but it's not equal. The majority of us are losing our business and the fault belongs to Google for implementing algorithms that were not ready to go live, and now refusing to roll back the changes until the bugs are worked out.


  1. I am not happy with YouTube right now. I'm only a small channel and I've lost over 200 Subscribers. There's no way all of them were inactive because before Cosmic Panda I used to go through my Subscribers and check if there were closed or inactive accounts :(

    1. I feel for you.

      I have been fortunate to not have lost many subscribers from this purge. However my views from Youtube audiences have dramatically dropped as Youtube careers more to large corporations, as I discussed in this blog article
