Saturday, May 26, 2012

Getting listed on Technorati the smart way

Technorati is a blog search engine and it is kind of a big deal. I haven't jumped on board with it because I wasn't quite sure how it works, but now that I've investigated it I realize it's pretty important to be listed on it.

So I'm going to walk you step by step through the process of getting a blog listed. Hopefully by now you've taken my previous advice and made a few blogs where you've embedded your Youtube videos, so this is the next step you need to do so people can actually find your blog.

First thing is first, make a brand new account and choose a user name that is going to be relevant to the content you want people to be searching for. If nothing else, use your real name so that your profile might appear at the top of Google search results for your name, as I've spoken about in a previous article about that topic.

Next you want to claim your blogs. This must be done individually by going into your profile and selecting 'Claim blog', and it's kind of a drawn out process. It must be done for each individual blog one at a time.

You'll then be presented with a screen to fill in a bunch of information, including the URL for your RSS feed.

The site description and site tags are the two most important areas. These two places will determine how often your blog actually gets seen by Technorati users. You want to ensure they are both keyword rich.

For my description this is what I used,

"Fanatical reviews and commentary about roleplaying videogames. Hosted by Carey Martell, The RPG Fanatic Show is a video game review show that has over 100 videos! This tumblr blog updates with the latest RPGs videos from the channel! If you love rpgs games then this is the Youtube channel for you! 

The RPG Fanatic Show is kind of like The Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), 16-Bit Gems, or Irate Gamer Show, but focused exclusively on RPG games, many of which are old games! Hosted by Carey Martell, the videos talks and shares news about all new video games and classic retro titles like Final Fantasy, Legend of Mana, The Lord of the Rings games, Disgaea, World of Warcraft and Wizardry! This is one of the best game channels for game videos! 

The RPG Fanatic Show is also a Machinima Realm director channel."

As you can see, it is very keyword rich. I've listed several big franchise games and some of the well known videogame reviewers on Youtube. I also used highly searched keywords relevant to my content, like "rpgs", "old games", "retro" and "new video games". I also use my real name, Carey Martell, in the blog description because that is also a keyword I want Google to pick up on.

You might wonder what site tags you should use for your blog. Many people will probably just fill it with whatever comes to mind but you should be more intelligent about it than that.

This is technorati's tag index page. This page only displays popular tags (i.e. those keywords people are actually searching on Technorati), which means if the tag doesn't appear on this page then you shouldn't be using it for your blog.

Here's another example of site tags. This time for the listing I created for this blog you're reading, Youtube Video Marketing for Losers.

After you submit you will receive this screen, and you'll be emailed with the information for the next step (which is to make a post on your blog with some code so that Technorati is sure you are the owner of the blog).

They'll email you a "claim token", which is a string of letters and numbers that looks something like this,


That is actually the claim token I'm using to claim this blog on Technorati ^^

The next and final step is to go back to your profile and click the 'Claim' button,

After that you're done!

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