Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mylikes to make additional income from Youtube Videos?

Mylikes was originally launched in 2009 as Likeaholix. The website is aimed at helping users share content they like with others and get paid to do so. What brought Mylikes to my attention is their page titled "Make Money on Youtube" -- the service makes it easy to find advertisers and create sponsored videos for them.

I should say outright that I'm initially cautious of websites like Mylikes and it's not hard to find information to support my concerns. A Google Search for the website brought up this article  that talks about the many problems with the site; namely that you might inadvertently be promoting a scam. That's obviously not good because promoting a scam would damage your reputation with your Youtube audience.

But I don't need to take that blog author's word for it. I can look at the 'Games' category and see there are several potential scams involving the sale of MMO gold,

There is a huge trust factor in building a fanbase and if your fans do not trust you then you cannot maintain them.

That said, there are several popular Youtube Partners who use the service so it cannot be all bad, right? At the least, if my channel is featured on their site it should improve the ranking of my Youtube channel in search engine results. So it is worth making an account just for that, but make sure you research the website or brand before you start promoting it.

As an example of how this works, here is one of the many sponsored Youtube video offers,

This offer is sponsored by Samsung to help promote one of their new phones. They want you to make a video response back to an advertisement video on their Youtube channel -- no doubt to improve the ranking of that video in search results and drive additional traffic to that video. The sponsored video is part of a contest but chances are people are not going to win it.

What we do want to pay attention to is the referral fee; the video is estimating that we'll get $21 per 1,000 video views our video response receives.

Here is another example,

This video is sponsored by Mylikes and pays $7 per 1,000 views. All you need to do is make a video declaring how great MyLikes is and encourage people to make an account on the service.

You can also use Mylikes to promote content via Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Here is an example of my RPG Fanatic Twitter account,

You might wonder how Mylikes determines that people have watched your video, and herein lies the issue with this. Mylikes will give you a code to insert into the description of your video and you only get paid when people actually click on that link,

That can actually be rather difficult to achieve. I know from having a link to my website on every video I have, tens of thousands of views a month only translates into a few hundred clicks back to my website from all my videos.

Still, if you have a large fanbases then you might profit exceptionally well from something like this. And there really is no way to know for certain what will happen if you don't try uploading some videos.

So this is what I will do: right now, I'm going to make a few sponsored videos and stick them on my channels. I'll see what happens and make another blog article revealing the results of my experiment.

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